Close Quarters Powerboat Handling is an intensive, 12-hour powerboat handling course that is designed to provide the skills necessary to maneuver a powerboat confidently, competently and safely in tight spaces. Successful completion of the program indicates the student has demonstrated competence in handling either a twin inboard, single inboard or outboard/stern drive vessel in close quarters in light wind and or currents. Core program elements include basic and advanced docking and undocking maneuvers, situational assessment and planning, crew communication and passenger safety.
Prerequisites: NONE
Certification Requirements:
In order to achieve certification, a student must pass a written test that covers required “Ashore Knowledge” as well as demonstrate his or her boat handling proficiency by successfully completing the required “Underway Skills”, both of which are specified below:
Ashore Knowledge
• Power Vessel Theory
• Pre-departure planning
• Pre-departure passenger safety briefing
• Pre-departure and post-sail vessel check
• Crew communication and safety
• Correct use of a VHF Radio
Underway Skills
• Develop and execute a vessel departure plan with due consideration for wind, current, traffic and any special circumstances
• Crew communication/briefing and assignment of duties including proper sequence for casting off dock lines and fender placement/usage
• Demonstrate two methods for centering helm/wheel
• Pivot/turn vessel 360 degrees in tight quarters
• Back down a narrow channel in a straight line
• Dock bow first in a protected slip (touch and no touch)
• Dock stern first in a protected slip (touch and no touch)
• Dock bow first at a facing pier (fuel dock) both port and starboard to
• Dock stern first at a facing pier (fuel dock) both port and starboard to
• Dock bow first at a facing pier using a spring line
• Depart a facing pier using a spring line
• Pivot off a piling without the use of spring lines
• Develop a docking plan including crew assignments and duties, desired dock line sequence, and due consideration for elements
• Secure vessel in a slip properly (make fast) including correct placement of fenders and use of spring lines and bow & stern lines
• Perform “Post Sail” check to secure vessel and equipment properly including flemishing dock lines
Close Quarters Powerboat Courses
• Course Number 1102 Twin Inboard
• Course Number 1101 Single Inboard
• Course Number 1103 Stern Drive / Outboard